



    • 这个游戏很fun,我们可以一起玩。
    • 他的笑话很funny,让我笑了好久。
    • 我们在聚会上玩了很多有趣的游戏,大家都觉得很fun。
    • 他的表演很funny,让观众捧腹大笑。
    • 我们在公园里玩得很开心,这真是一个fun的周末。
    • 这些例子中,fun表示“有趣,好玩”,而funny则表示“滑稽的,好笑的”。

What is the difference between “funny” and “fun”?

The difference between funny and fun is that funny means “interesting, funny, strange” , which emphasizes making people feel fun or laugh, while fun mainly means “interesting, fun”, not like funny, which emphasizes “funny”.

Here are some examples to help you understand the difference between fun and funny:

This game is very fun, and we can play it together.

His joke is very funny and made me laugh for a long time.

We played many interesting games at the party, and everyone had a lot of fun.

His performance was very funny and made the audience laugh.

We had a fun weekend playing in the park.

In these examples, fun means “interesting, fun”,  while funny means “funny, humorous”.