
12 a.m. 和 12 p.m. 的区别?

《美国传统英语词典》规定:“按照惯例,12 a.m表示午夜,12 p.m表示中午。为了避免混淆,建议使用12 midnight和12 noon 。”

a.m and p.m




‘Similarly, many are not sure whether noon means 12 a.m. or 12 p.m. ‘(“同样,许多人也搞不清noon指的是12 a . m .还是12 p. m。“)

‘You mean I can stay till 12 a. m. ‘(“你的意思是我可以住到中午12点。“)

‘We offer firm for reply 12 a. m. tomorrow. ‘(“我们报实价,以明天上午12点答复为有效。“)

‘the show will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ‘(“这部剧将从上午10点开始到下午2点结束。”)

‘the aircraft departed at 8 a.m. local time.’(“飞机于当地时间早上8点起飞”)

‘The company will open its more than 2000 Verizon Wireless Stores at 7 a.m. ‘
